Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What's that other thing?

9 weeks pregnant:

So time to go to the OBGYN, which by the way I had to find as well as a doctor as I was still only registered with my doctor back in England. After a quick recommendation headed off to see my new OBGYN with J, my hubby.

As I walked into the doctors building which was located next to the maternity hospital, I suddenl became very aware of the large amount of large women! I had never seen so many pregnant women, so many babies and toddler and so many strollers!!!! I was a little scared and I have no idea why. I think maybe because they all looked like mothers and I felt like a kid :)

So after the normal chit chat and congratulations with the doctor we went to have a scan. J came with me. It was all very surreal. So the doctor did her thing and on the screen a grainy black and white image came up of who knows what. I looked and J looked and the doc looked...she had to point out where the baby was. Sure enough I could see something beating within a little blob on the screen...it was the heart. This was by far the most exciting moment of my life (or so I thought). I was done, happy, ready to have the first photo of the baby preinted and go home to talk about it all. The J said to the doc "but what's that above the baby" the doc was alredy looking at it too....closer look and she said "it looks like there're two!"
"Two?" I said "Two what"She took a closer look and said...."yes, it's twins!"

What follows is a vague recollection of what happened, because from this point on I was in denial, shock and a sense of out of body.

I refused to accept what she was telling me explaining that it was impossible as there are no twins in my family. She took a closer look and said..."It looks like they are monochromatic twins ie: identical twins, because they seem to share one sack with a thin membrane seperating them."
But there are NO twins in my family, it can't be"...this continued until J pointed to the screen and said "yes there are two look."  It was at that point that i realised it was true and shock set in..."OMG"
I don't remember much of what the doctor said as I trully was in shock. The only thing I remember her saying is "it's a good thing, but it changes everyhting in terms of your pregnancy...you'll have to go and see the twin specialist"

What went through my head? A million things from double car seats to double cribs, how do you hold 2 babies and the fact that I had only ever held a baby about 3 times in y life for 5 minutes and never taken care of one EVER....now there were going to be 2. I was more worried for the babies than for myself :)

J & I left the hospital and called home to inform everyone of the news.....ofcourse for everyone it was amazing, totally unexpected news (but they weren't the ones that were going to be pregnant with them)
As we sat down to tell everyone over lunch I started to realise how trully amazing this was and how special it would be.

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